Sunday, November 25, 2007

FRONTLINE is Beautiful at 25!

PBS watchers (you friggin' Commies!) are familiar with the excellent documentaries co-produced by PBS and WGBH Boston for the PBS series FRONTLINE. At 25, the series is more relevant than ever. Never in history have our governments done so completely and with contempt for their constituents what the fuck they want and then lied about it when asked [That's IF they answer; the Bush cabal has taken to ignoring court and Congressional requests for information under the umbrella of "national security" or "Presidential privilege"]. The beat goes on...

Besides trying to keep government(s) honest, FRONTLINE examines, for example, methamphetamine's toll on America, AIDS, Katrina, medicating children, Wal-Mart, the OJ verdict, etc. etc.

More than 60 complete FRONTLINE films are available for viewing online.

Because truth is sweet and there is evil and malice to be combatted in the world; because these filmmakers often risk their lives to get to the truth; because for 25 years FRONTLINE has been asking the tough questions and not backing down; because "corporate" news is not going to ask these questions; and because there is a desperate and tremendous need for an educated electorate to preserve democracy in the US, FRONTLINE is What's Beautiful #011.

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