Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bill Maher is Beautiful (No, really!)

I know, I know, he's an egotistical annoying fuck who wears the same shirt half the season, but his opening monologues, spirited panels and "devil's advocate" bullying of the "Real Time with Bill Maher" guests make for a fascinating and entertaining hour. And to close every show, his rule-breaking "New Rules" segment spares no one his scathing analysis of why they deserve public ridicule. Although disgraced Republicans do seem to show up in disproportionate numbers, Britney, women who dress like hookers for Halloween and overzealous local school boards also piss Maher off.

No cow is sacred. No pharmaceutical company un-bullied.

I think HBO should counter-program "Good Morning America" with a "Maher in the Morning" slugfest. Every morning. How about a little truth with that bagel and orange juice? Every weather segment would deal exclusively with global warming news, and there would be a daily "10 Reasons Why Ann Coulter Deserves the Firing Squad!" countdown.

Maher likes Ron Paul. A lot. He does not like George Bush. A lot.

In his recent stand-up cablehour "The Decider", Maher skewers not just the President, but the countless gaffes and scandals that his appointees have perpetrated. This guy must get hate mail. He's that good.

It's in 8 parts on YouTube. Click here to load video #1. This is definitely an adults only link.

Because he cares and has a gift for making people think, Bill Maher is What's Beautiful #005.

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