Sunday, December 16, 2007

Joe Varisco is Beautiful!

Joe "Butterfly" Varisco

Over in Chicago, there is an artist/freethinker named Joe Varisco.

Joe has a day job in development at a non-profit that teaches yoga to under served kids. How cool is that?

He's also the impetus behind a salon of artists & creatives in Chicago's "Ukrainian Village" neighborhood. He's prolly doing some other mad shit that I don't about yet. Stay tuned!

In an era when "art" is determined by the price tag or PR-bought buzz, Joe and his cohorts are refreshingly, unabashedly unintimidated enough to organize exhibitions of their "art" in whatever form it takes. Since the salon has moved online, its influence is now global.

Joe Varisco is a bizzy, bizzy boy! I got the impression after a few manic chats with him that Joe wings his way around the planet at 300 mph, occasionally alighting to disgorge ideas, foment art, bring people together, make folks think and laugh, entertain and most of all create good!

Joe Varisco is on a mission. He and those participating in the vision are creating waves whose ripples will eventually reach the rest of us.

Joe Varisco is sexy, creative, un-afraid to fail or embarrass himself, dedicated and just fuckin' fresh! And we imagine (blush) that he's a good kisser too.

Joe Varisco with his favorite (lucky fucker!) co-conspirator

Because the internet(s) sometimes bring folks together, in previously unimagined ways, I have been blessed to make the acquaintance of Joe Varisco. He is What's Beautiful #22!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Green is not only Beautiful....It's Funny as Fuck!

Lewis Black knows of what he speaks. His material skewers the daily hypocrisies we all engage in and the complete incompetence of those "in charge of things." Black OWNS cynical curmudgeon.

Here, in a DAILY SHOW segment, he riffs on the popularity, the pop-stardom of the "making a difference by LIVING GREEN" idea in US culture.

What is greencred and who decides who has it?

Lewis Black rips a few new ones in this clip about the media.celeb "ownership" of green.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias is Beautiful!

Gabriel Iglesias says he's from the capital of Mexico, "right here in LA." And his riffs on his obvious "large person-ness" make me laugh until I have to PAUSE to catch my breath!

Laughing is beautiful because it diffuses anger, tension and raises one's level of serotonin. Mr. Gabriel Iglesias has a gift for making us laugh!

Be sure to check the clips -- but you should prolly go pee first!

Gabriel Iglesias Clip #1
Gabriel Iglesias Clip #2

Gabriel Iglesias is What's Beautiful #017

Their Faces are Beautiful! Their Need is Great!

I've decided to post a weekly line-up of dogs seeking new homes through Rocket Dog Rescue in San Francisco. See my earlier post: "Animal Fostering is Beautiful!"

I believe there exists a person or family for every animal seeking a home. It is only matter of education and effective distribution of information. We could eliminate the "stray" and "abandoned" animal crisis in the US.

The proper treatment of animals should be taught to children early on in the home and park, and at pre-school. Spay & Neuter should be as well known in our culture as "put a condom on it!"

We need laws to outlaw unlicensed breeding of animals. We need laws (and fees) to discourage the abandonment of animals. We need enforcement of laws regarding animal negligence and cruelty. We need to abandon the feeling of superiority we have over animals and treat them as our sacred co-habitors of Earth. [I think I just became a vegetarian, boo!]

In any case, here are this week's irresistibly cute, totally adorable and eminently adoptable dogs currently being fostered by Rocket Dog Rescue in San Francisco.

Because homeless animals are innocents who deserve so much more, our weekly "FRESH FACES" is What's Beautiful #016.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mario Verta's Work is Beautiful

When I'm altered and ready to look at some cool images, I head over to Artbreak. Thousand of "artists" and I sometimes spend HOURS surfing and bookmarking work I like.

I've only just met the work of Mario Verta. His work includes an oil of Hitler in a red jumpsuit with serial number on his chest -- a guest of the US government at Guantanamo Bay. The number though -- one immediately ties Dachau to Guantanamo. Or at least that's how it struck me.

I gasped when I first saw the image. To me, it was Hitler as astronaut, a US icon of heroism. I looked closer. My Rorscach impression was then the Francis-Baconesque vertical color streaks behind the Hitler. Reminiscent of Bacon's nightmarish Pope, as inspired by Valazquez's 1650 portrait of Pope Innocent X.

Then I absorbed/felt the ultra-saturated red of his uniform. If this were a portrait of a young girl in a dress of the same color, we would feel a warmth for the subject, but on Verta's Hitler, the red can only remind us of blood and slaughter, and so we throw up a little bit in our mouth.

Verta has also produced a metaphorical indictment of the epidemic of US violence with the painting, "Young Americans".

Because in the random world of the internet(s), there is a great possibility to encounter beauty if one knows where to look and is patient, Mario Verta' work is WHAT'S BEAUTIFUL #015.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cheeseburgers are Beautiful!

The one thought that stops me dead cold from becoming a vegetarian is that I could never, ever have another cheeseburger!

I could go without without the filets, chicken, fish, pork chops, oysters and all of that -- but don't try to come between me and my cheeseburger. Eating a good (or even OK) cheeseburger -- as long as there is enough mayo on it -- is a spiritual experience.

My favorite is a bacon bleu cheese burger (BBCB) -- charred well on the outside, medium rare on the inside atop a toasted-on-the-grill sesame seed bun, a couple strips of sugar-cured thick-cut bacon, Pomerey mustard, bleu cheese, a thick slice of red onion, a leaf of romaine, Roma tomato and xtra Duke's mayonnaise. Some hand-cut perfect fries are always a nice accompaniment, but you shouldn't judge a burger by the fries that come with it.

I found the most consistently delicious burger with awesome fries is found at Timberlake's, 1726 Connecticut Avenue, NW in Washington DC -- a few blocks north of DuPont Circle. They celebrate 30 years of serving up great food and drinks in 2008! -- an institution.

Only after you order is your burger hand-pattied, gently spiced and grilled over an open flame. If you like charred on the outside and R to MR on the inside, you'll luv this burger. It is simply the best BBCB I've ever had.

I moved from DC to San Francisco in 1990 and haven't had a Timberlake's burger since, but a check of their website reveals that after 17 years, the best cheeseburger I've ever had is just $8.50! The last one I had at Timberlake's in 1990 was $6.95.

Let's see that burger again.

Full disclosure: Timberlake's did not have a pic of their burger on their site, so I went to the net and found a pic that closely resembled their burger of which I often daydream.

This burger is best enjoyed at Timberlake's dark wood bar which runs the length of the dining room on the left side. Grab a stool or standing space and order a beer, Coke or cocktail from the inimitable barman, Bob Mater.

A word about the folks you might meet in Timberlake's. Carl Bernstein was a late-night regular at the bar in the late 1980's. Several Democratic pollsters were regulars, too. With its large gay clientele, Timberlake's was always a Dem hangout, whether the customers were Hill interns or liberal Post journalists. In fact, I remember when the Reagan Republicans first arrived in Washington, around DuPont Circle, there began to appear LA TIMES newsboxes and the odd black-suited Republican operative would slide into Timberlake's without warning. There were always a smattering of folks in for a convention at the Hilton, a block away (the site of Reagan's shooting). Folks from all over the US and world, really. And they were interspersed among the Timberlake regulars whose names I have sadly forgotten.

Oh, and if you see the guy with a bushy black mustache and an easy smile, that's Bill Timberlake. "T" to non-newbies. Owner and proprietor. Our hat's off to T, his upstairs staff and the guys downstairs in the kitchen. They have created and maintained a public house that should be designated an official landmark of the District of Columbia! Cheers!

Leslie Jordan is Beautiful!

I first saw the very effeminate and queer Leslie Jordan perform as "Brother Boy" in the cult-film classic SORDID LIVES (2000).

Fastforward to 2008, Jordan stars in the new SORDID LIVES TV series, and is putting the finishing touches on his (autobiographical) film, "Southern Baptist Sissies".

In the interim, he's done Will & Grace and Boston Legal and other network TV fare, but our favorite (at least until the new projects are released) is his turn as "Brother Boy" the institutionalized gay man in "Sordid Lives"
If you haven't seen SORDID LIVES, then BUY IT or add it to your Netflix account. Some brilly marketing person came up with "A black comedy about white trash! See an original trailer (with de rigeur French subtitles) here.

Maybe I have a special connection to the movie because of my "white trash" cultural heritage. I recognized many family members (myself included) in the wacky characters in the film.

ALERT: The Southern Baptists are upSET about upcoming Jordan's upcoming "Southern Bapstist Sissies" movie as evidenced by this lengthy article on their propaganda site. Please note the comments by the "former homosexual" in the piece.

Because he was/is not afraid to play the "sissie" (perhaps the most loathed/loved character in entertainment), we applaud and present What's Beautiful #013 -- Leslie Jordan.

Rugby Players are Beautiful!

In 2000, Max Guazzani wanted to bring more women to the stadium to see his Stade France team play near Paris. His very creative and controversial solution was to have members of the team pose nude for a fundraising calendar. The next year, "Dieux du Stade" ["Gods of the Stadium"] Calendar 2001 debuted! It was a brilliant marketing concept and the calendar quickly became a hot collectible when the images of young, humpy footballers in the nude raced at record speed around the internet(s).

Now an annual tradition, 2008's Dieux du Stade Calendar is the 8th outing for Max and his collaborators. This year, they chose fashion and celeb photographer Steven Klein to shoot the calendar and "Making of the Calendar..." DVD, and the results are astounding! The Dieux du Stade calendar is now available on

Down Under (that's Australia for the unititated), commercial photographer, Pedro Virgil has been producing "nude rugby" calendars for years featuring Australia's hottest footballers. For 2008, Virgil and his posse have produced an exquisite survey of young male athletes who got NAKED FOR A CAUSE.

There are other nude rugby calendars from universities around the world and even a calendar featuring memebers of San Francisco's gay rugby league, The Fog. But none match the imagery and elaborate production of the Dieux du Stade and Naked for a Cause 2008 calendars. Each measures 14x 18" and features art-book-quality printing. Each also weighs about 2 pounds. Hefty, hunky and gorgeous they are!

Both calendars have been imported to the US (the first time for Naked for a Cause) and are available to purchase on

Because pictures of gorgeous nude athletes never grow old, The Nude Rugby Calendars 2008 are What's Beautiful #012.

Media Matters is Beautiful!

Tasked with watching and reading the daily shitpile of right wing propaganda coming out of the White House, Fox News and the myriad other truth-twisting "media," MEDIA MATTERS identifies the dirt, then posts these lies with compelling countervailing truths.

Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, advocated the BIG LIE, repeated over and over until it no longer seemed unlikely. Taking a page from that Nazi's playbook, those who would have you believe that questioning our government is unpatriotic and that being against the "war" in Iraq is treason (the Bills, the Joe Scarborough's, the Michael Savages and other administration apologists), get their due with factual refutation of "the spin" these so-called "conservative" mediatypes create to distort the truth.

David Brock, looking kinda uptight.

Media Matters was founded a few years ago by DAVID BROCK, a former Republican activist and media darling who came out as a gay man and turned on his former colleagues with books: The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy and Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative, a 2002 New York Times best-selling political memoir.

Considered a "traitor" by the right-wing cognoscenti, Brock has estblished himself and MediaMatters as a must-read for those seeking the "truth" in news.

FRONTLINE is Beautiful at 25!

PBS watchers (you friggin' Commies!) are familiar with the excellent documentaries co-produced by PBS and WGBH Boston for the PBS series FRONTLINE. At 25, the series is more relevant than ever. Never in history have our governments done so completely and with contempt for their constituents what the fuck they want and then lied about it when asked [That's IF they answer; the Bush cabal has taken to ignoring court and Congressional requests for information under the umbrella of "national security" or "Presidential privilege"]. The beat goes on...

Besides trying to keep government(s) honest, FRONTLINE examines, for example, methamphetamine's toll on America, AIDS, Katrina, medicating children, Wal-Mart, the OJ verdict, etc. etc.

More than 60 complete FRONTLINE films are available for viewing online.

Because truth is sweet and there is evil and malice to be combatted in the world; because these filmmakers often risk their lives to get to the truth; because for 25 years FRONTLINE has been asking the tough questions and not backing down; because "corporate" news is not going to ask these questions; and because there is a desperate and tremendous need for an educated electorate to preserve democracy in the US, FRONTLINE is What's Beautiful #011.

Margaret Cho is Beautiful!

Image (c) Mode Magazine

In an ongoing informal poll, I find that "the gays" are torn about how "we" feel about Margaret Cho.

The true test of "Do you Love Margaret" may well be how you feel after watching her talk about the First Lady's hoo-ha. Love it, love her. Hate it, prolly not one of her fans! But don't be hatin' on Margaret. You don't have to buy the DVDs or go to the shows. Leave her alone. She's on our side, whatever that means.

Because she speaks her mind, a sick and brilliant mind at that, and because she shines a light on some pretty dark places in US culture with wit and commitment. Because she tells the truth, even when it involes a certain "piney aftertaste" Margaret Cho is What's Beautiful #010.

Here is a clip which includes the aforementioned monologue about Laura's ________.

An interview with Margaret by SLANT magazine here.

NSFW or when kids are around.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Animal Fostering is Beautiful!

There are millions of animals in the same spot in the US. The last resort (and lucky break) for many of these creatures is to be "rescued" by one of the thousands of local organizations committed to saving as many as they can.

Many are rescued at the very last minute as the groups scramble to find someone willing to give them a temporary home.

Animal fostering is providing a home for an animal until a permanent place can be found for them. My roommate and neighbors have supported San Francisco's Rock Dog Rescue by fostering three dogs this year. And of course, I end up helping. The biggest challenge is to run interference between the fosters and my 10-lb chihuahua/terrier Jack. Eventually, everyone gets along and the foster relaxes in his new home.


The first two fosters are now with loving families. Kingston, a goofy, playful 90-pound pit puppy went to live in Oakland in a loft with his two new daddies, one of whom works from home; and Franky, a long-lean 40-lb pup with a beautiful gold and black brindle found a family with kids and a huge fenced-in yard. Again in the East Bay. When the family saw Franky's picture on the Rocket Dog site, they called right away. Their dog who bore an amazing resemblance to Franky has passed just months before. These are the lucky ones.

Fostering is an amazing experience and I would encourage anyone who is considering adopting an animal to go the "rescue" route. Wherever you may live (in the US), can help you find a new animal mate.

*Please* make sure before you commit that you are adopting or fostering for the right reasons and that you have the space and time to care for an animal. And having an animal mate can be expensive, especially if an animal has health issues.

This is Radar.

The third fosterdog to arrive at my house is Radar. Heartbreaking that he came THIS close to the "goodbye needle". He's a gorgeous 2-year old of indeterminate breeds. Always in a good mood, attacking each day, leaping out of bed, tail wagging.

Radar's been around for a couple of weeks now, and we're becoming very, very attached! He has the sweetest disposition and loves to give kisses. The great thing about fostering is, if you click with the animal and want the arrangement to be permanent, you can usually arrange it. I'm hoping Radar will stay. I think Jack would like that too.

Australia's New Government is Beautiful!

In honor of my new friend in Australia, I'm posting about the turnaround in their national government! The Australian Labor Party's Kevin Rudd is the new Prime Minister, ending the 11-year rule of Bush ally, John Howard.

[Gratuitous photo of hot Aussie dude]

I know fuck-all about Aussie politics, but I do know that Rudd speaks Mandarin (as well as English), wants to strengthen ties to Asia, promises a more "Green" government and the withdrawal of Australian troops from Iraq.

Sounds like our kinda bloke!

Because Australians got sane in electing a cool government, and because Aussie men are among, or are, the most Beautiful Men in the World, Australia(ns) are What's Beautiful #9.

It's a Beautiful Day!

U2 are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the release of "The Joshua Tree", arguably their strongest collection of songs ever, with special CD, DVD and vinyl releases.

"The Joshua Tree" recalls a vacation in St. Thomas in 1987. With my friend Zena in my rented Jeep, she drove the "backside" of St. Thomas at night, "The Joshua Tree" provided the [loud] soundtrack for the blur of tropical plants and their overpowering scents as we zoomed past. We'd had a ton of martini's at Blackbeard's Castle at dinner, and I threw my head back against the headrest, singing along: "Outside, it's America! Outside it's America!"

A couple weeks later, back in LA for work, I ran into Bono and Larry Mullen, Jr. (crush!) in the elevator at 3 one morning at the Sunset Marquis Hotel. Too stunned to make sense, I mumbled some admiration of their music which was duly acknowledged with smiles, and the shared ride was concluded.

A few years later, U2 released Achtung Baby, an album born in Berlin. Photographer Anton Corbjin's photos and videos from those months feature the boys in DRAG, hanging out in all-night clubs, cavorting with Todd Rundrgen and all-around begging questions about their, well, which side of the fence they were on.

For What's Beautiful, we decided on a newer U2 classic, "Beautiful Day". The video was shot on location at the Charles de Gaulle International Airport outside Paris -- a video that could never be made today for "security" reasons. The song, Bono says, is about "a man who has lost everything, but finds joy in what he still has."

UPDATE: How could I forget "One' with Mary J Blige on vocals with Bono? And the super-psychadelic Middle Eastern joint, "Mysterious Ways". The best of the best.

And finally, a sorta chronologic series of pics of the boys from DOOBlin.

Because they started out as lousy musicians and eventually learned to play, write and sing songs that give us goosbumps, U2 is What's Beautiful #009.

Cry Me A River is a Beautiful Song

Only after falling in love with The Cliks' version of "Cry Me a River" did I look up the original by Justin Timberlake

Coolio video with vocals from Justin and Timbaland. An awesome cover by The Cliks. Enjoy!

Because to sing along, you must have a good falsetto, "Cry me a River" is What's Beautiful #008.

Laughing is Beautiful and Dominique is Funny as Shit!

Whenever I need to laugh (pretty often lately), I go to the web to stand-up routines that I have bookmarked. The one I return to more than any other (lotsa laughs in just a few minutes) is Dominique. She's not famous, but deserves to be!

Click on the pic below to see her 7-minute routine on Tom's Comedy Stand-Up.

Because she makes me (and countless others) laugh, Dominique is What's Beautiful #007.

The Smell of a Just-Picked Tomato is Beautiful

Late August afternoon, almost dusk, you walk into your vegetable garden to the row of heirloom tomatoes. Oh, there's a perfect one! You twist the fruit, warmed by the sun, from the vine and bring the green stem to your nose. It's an earthy, peppery smell that is unique in the world, and is not experienced in supermarket produce aisles. [Note to self: Hopefully this is not the smell of pesticide. We'll get back to you on this one.] Meanwhile, tips on how to grow tomatoes organically. And a favorite recipe for garden-grown tomatoes, courtesy of Food Network.

Gratuitous tomato advice:

1. NEVER put tomatoes in the refrigerator. And while allowing them to ripen on the windowsill or on a plate on the kitchen counter, arrange them so that they don't touch each other.

2. When cooking with tomatoes, sprinkle a little sugar into the dish before serving. This will counter the natural acidity of the fruit.

3. Don't let tomatoes rot. Blanch them in boiling water, drain thoroughly, bag and freeze.

4. A tomato sandwich should always be made with white bread and Duke's mayonnaise with a little salt and pepper.

5. True fans of the tomato will go without during the winter rather than endure the pulpy, flavorless specimens available from September through June.

The smell of a just-picked tomato is What's Beautiful #006.

Bill Maher is Beautiful (No, really!)

I know, I know, he's an egotistical annoying fuck who wears the same shirt half the season, but his opening monologues, spirited panels and "devil's advocate" bullying of the "Real Time with Bill Maher" guests make for a fascinating and entertaining hour. And to close every show, his rule-breaking "New Rules" segment spares no one his scathing analysis of why they deserve public ridicule. Although disgraced Republicans do seem to show up in disproportionate numbers, Britney, women who dress like hookers for Halloween and overzealous local school boards also piss Maher off.

No cow is sacred. No pharmaceutical company un-bullied.

I think HBO should counter-program "Good Morning America" with a "Maher in the Morning" slugfest. Every morning. How about a little truth with that bagel and orange juice? Every weather segment would deal exclusively with global warming news, and there would be a daily "10 Reasons Why Ann Coulter Deserves the Firing Squad!" countdown.

Maher likes Ron Paul. A lot. He does not like George Bush. A lot.

In his recent stand-up cablehour "The Decider", Maher skewers not just the President, but the countless gaffes and scandals that his appointees have perpetrated. This guy must get hate mail. He's that good.

It's in 8 parts on YouTube. Click here to load video #1. This is definitely an adults only link.

Because he cares and has a gift for making people think, Bill Maher is What's Beautiful #005.

A History Lesson Can Be Beautiful

At the height of the VietNam war, in 1974, Peter Davis made a documentary that was labeled "Un-American" and Communist propaganda. The film, Hearts and Minds, exposed deep divisions in the US and often within individuals over the bloody guerilla war we had been prosecuting for 10 years. At that time, just a year before the last American was airlifted out of Saigon, it was increasingly clear that this "war" could not be "won" despite the promises of three successive US presidents. For any who would refute the similarities between our involvement in VietNam and the mismanagement of the mess in Iraq -- watch the movie.

Kenneth Chisolm provides a synosis on

This film recounts the history and attitudes of the opposing sides of the Vietnam War using archival news footage as well as their own film and interviews. A key theme is how attitudes of American racism and self-righteousness militarism helped create and prolong this bloody conflict. The film also endeaveors to give voice to the Vietnamese people themselves as to how the war has affected them and their reasons why they fight the United States and other western powers while showing the basic humanity of the people that US propaganda tried to dismiss.

In this era of "truthiness" when even those with access to literally thousands of "news" outlets find it difficult to get to "the truth", Hearts and Minds is What's Beautiful #004.

The Truth is Beautiful!

If you're not happy with the the US "War on Terror" and the daily assault on our civil rights, I heartily recommend Raw Story. Toby Slingerland and John Byrne, their contributors and staff have created a one-stop information shop for the disaffected and questioning -- the real patriots. No wonder then that O'Reilly thinks they're the spawn of Satan and prolly Democrats to boot. Read it here first.

If you've ever used the phrase "activist judges" unironically, then RAW STORY is prolly not your kind of place.

And don't miss the blogroll. All meat, no filler. is What's Beautiful #3


Italian artist Franco Donaggio creates surreal and evocative images in a range of styles. My favorites are those photographs Donaggio created in a train station. His Metaportraits series is equally exceptional. Images by Franco Donaggio are What's Beautiful #002.



Friday, November 23, 2007

Lillian Bassman Gets Her Props

Maybe you've already heard of Lillian Bassman. I was shocked to see that Wikipedia hadn't. Will someone take care of that, please? This bio comes from LA's Farmani Gallery's website. Lillian Bassman's photography is What's Beautiful #001.

Lillian Bassman's experimental and romantic visions revolutionized fashion photography. In fact, Vanity Fair magazine singled her out as one of photography's "grand masters." Full of mystery, sensuality, and expressionistic glamour, Bassman's dramatic black and white photographs capture secret moments and dream memories. Her work is elegant, graceful and totally original. Bassman's unique images achieve their effect through darkroom manipulation, specifically by blurring and bleaching areas of the photographs.

Ms. Bassman started her career under the tutelage of Alexy Brodovich, the Art Director of Harper's Bazaar, and ultimately decided to learn photography herself. A friend of Richard Avedon, she was given permission to use his studio while he was in Paris.

Bassman's photo shoot of a model in lingerie impressed the model enough to show her advertising executive husband, and suddenly, after only two months as a photographer, Bassman's career truly took flight at Harper's Bazaar.

At Harper's Bazaar from the 40s through the 60s, Lillian Bassman brought a sophisticated, new aesthetic to fashion photography with her elegant, moody, and often abstract images.

Bassman's work diverged from classic fashion photography in that she did not rely on beautiful models and clothes as the sole essence of her photographs.

In the 1970's, Bassman's interest in pure form began to clash with the changing interests of the fashion industry, and she abandoned photography for painting, purging herself of forty years of work , and closing her studio. Miraculously, when a bag of twenty year old negatives was recovered, interest in her work was revived. In recent years, her prints have received renewed attention, with the publication of several portfolios in the New York Times Magazine, a campaign for Neiman Marcus, and the publication of her book, "Lillian Bassman."

Bassman has also been honored internationally with a number of exhibitions and one-person shows worldwide, from New York, Milan, and Paris, to Spain, Germany, and London.